These boundaries are non-negotiable and possible cause for dismissal if violated.  Easy Street Cycling follows this Code of Conduct to prevent children from vulnerable situations that could lead to sexual abuse from any person of authority in our organization.

  •  No one-on-one situations between kids and Bike Coaches or Assistant Bike Coaches.
    • Never be alone with a child in a private setting.  Never isolate a child from the group in a closed setting.  Coaches and Assistant Coaches will remain in open view when with a child at all times. 
    • When taking a child to the bathroom, go in alone first to make sure it’s safe for them to be in the bathroom.  Wait outside for the child.  Do not wait in the bathroom alone with a child.  If you are using a bathroom with multiple stalls or open sink area alone, and a single child comes in, tell them to wait until you are done.  It’s okay if there is more than one child.  Just avoid any private one-on-one situation.  It’s fine to tell them this is our policy.
  • Bike Coaches or Assistant Bike Coaches should not be communicating privately with children through phone calls, email, text or any other online messaging. 
    • Instead communicate with the parents or if necessary, communicate with the child but include the Executive Director and parent in the message. 
    • No meeting alone outside of the program with kids.
  • Secrets between a Coach or Assistant Coach and a child are not appropriate.
  • No gifts or special privileges that are exclusive or kept private with children.
    •  Rewards available to all children are fine.
  • Ask for permission to touch kids for necessary purposes.
    • Especially when getting very close to their face to adjust helmets.  You must get their permission to adjust the helmet on their head.  Or ask them to take it off and adjust it off their head.
  • No frontal hugs
    • Show encouragement and praise with side hugs or high fives. 
  • Never touch children in any area of their bodies that a bathing suit covers or face and mouth.
  • No actions, speech that humiliates, threatens, ridicules, degrades or frightens children.
  • Never use inappropriate language around kids.
    • No profanity
    • No jokes with a sexual nature
  • No showing kids’ nudity or any imagery not appropriate for children.